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Welcome to Gratuity

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Home: Welcome

What We Do

Giving the power of tipping back to the Customer

Tipping is somewhat of a Global phenomenon. The Japanese have Otoshi. The americans have a $2.13 tipping wage which is just disastrous. But, what does the Hitchin have? Gratuity! The aim of Gratuity is to give a digital solution to the countries tipping problems. Allowing you to select exactly where and how you would like your tip split up whilst also taking the power out of managements hands. We want to give you the power of your own tip however much it may be. Let tipping be your choice, your Gratuity.

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The App

The main feature of Gratuity is its app. A fully functioning system that allows you to select a venue, specific staff members or even whole groups of staff and tip them as much as you please! Then it will allow you to make a payment either in app or using a Gratuity contactless scanner. The app is what gives you as the user the full flexibility needed when wanting to tip. Simply choose who you want to tip and use your Gratuity it couldn't be simpler! Keep an eye out on  the website as there will soon be a link allowing you to download the app from the Google Play Store.

For now however you will find the link below to download to your phone!

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Watch the trailer here

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See Gratuity in action!

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Why Gratuity?

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Modern problems Require Modern solutions

Digitising Gratuity gives you full flexibility in you tipping choices

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Appreciate the Unappreciated

Back of House staff only recieve a tiny % of overall tips for all of there hard work. Wouldnt you like the opportunity to appreciate them a bit more?


Community Based, Community Run

Set in Hitchin, Gratuity works with the local hospitality industry to bring you the best experience.


No More Meddling

The days of sneaking a waiter a fiver are over! Gratuity lets you choose exactly where your tip goes with a promise of no management interference.

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Why We Do What We Do

The problem with tipping in the UK is that there is now law set by the government on how exactly tips should be handled. This is why in the past we've seen companies like Pizza express take 8% of all tips to be put back into the company. Tipping is a billion pound industry and without any government regulation Huge chains and people within a place of management are able to take advantage of the situation, filling their own pockets with your money.

Now this is where Gratuity comes in! Gratuity completely separates any involvement from management by only involving Staff members within the app itself. This means that theres no chance for anyone to meddle with your hard earned or spent tips! To ensure that there is no meddling from Gratuitys and as well we take 0% of the tips earnt unlike other companies such as TipJar. Instead we charge the companies a licensing fee that gives the companies access to the contactless scanners, a Gratuity sticker for the window and a spot on our website!

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“Tip jars are a thing of the past! With Gratuity the regulars have never been happier to tip!”

Izzy Boardman,

Assistant manager Hermitage coffee shop

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Making The World a Better Place

Here at Gratuity we understand that tipping doesn't exactly have the greatest history... It origins of racial oppression and class divide starting on the american railway is something that should never be forgotten. that is why at Gratuity we want to change the stigma by fighting against inequality whilst never forgetting its horrific beginnings. This is why we are working with charities such as Amnesty International who fight inequality and so are able to truly represent what Gratuity stands for. On our app you will be given the opportunity to donate to Amnesty which we would be incredibly greatful for. However this isnt what im trying to push her. Below is a quick video on the history of tipping and i welcome you all to watch it as to educate us all! Gratuity wants change what tipping was and make it something new. Your choice.

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Watch the trailer here

Watch the trailer here

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Gratuity User Journey

Is Tipping Racist? | Racist History of Tipping

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Participating Venues


The Millstream


The Hermitage Coffee Shop


The Rose and Crown

97 Cambridge Road, Hitchin

21 Hermitage Road, Hitchin

13 Market Place, Hitchin

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Coming soon

Want to know what the workers of Hitchin have to say about the tipping industry? Keep an eye out for a video getting the opinions of Gratuity from Hitchins hospitality industry!

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